Where can I buy Big Joshy Swimbaits? Are they available in stores or tackle shops? Click here to see a list of Dealer locations.
The Bait I want is out of stock. When will you have more? In most cases out of stock items are restocked in 3-4 weeks. We can notify you so you don't miss out when they're back up for sale. Just click on the product to go to the product page. Then click on the "put me on the waiting list" button and submit your email. We'll send you an email when your baits are ready.
Is Big Joshy Swimbaits a secure site? Yes. We keep your personal information private and secure. When you make a purchase from our site you provide your name, address, phone number, email, and password. We use this information to process and manage your orders, and personalize your experience. Big Joshy Swimbaits staff never sees any of your credit card or bank account information. This information is transmitted directly to Paypal, a widely known and trusted secure website. Secure servers on both our site and Paypal's protect your information using advanced encryption techniques and firewall technology. See for details about their security.
I'm interested in sponsorship. Will Big Joshy Swimbaits sponsor me/my organization/my event? At this time we are not sponsoring individuals or events, or maintaining a Pro Staff. Our focus is on producing the highest quality baits for our valued customers.
When will I receive my order? Click here to view our Shipping Policy
How do I use my Rewards Points to get free stuff? Click here for instructions
How do I use my Gift Certificate or Coupon Code? You can enter your code one of two places:
1) The "View Cart" page
OR 2) the "Checkout" page

Once you have submitted your code, the amount will be deducted from your balance on the Checkout page.
Do you have a question that wasn't answered here? Click Here to Contact us.